Keynotes & Workshop Examples
for Conferences, Corporations, Universities, & Organizations
Be better prepared than I was!
Today’s CEO’s, business owners, and entrepreneurs are mostly not aware of, or prepared for, the devastation possible from a run-in with The System. And history proves that if we are successful long enough, it is not a question of if, but when. Through his sometimes shocking, sometimes emotional, recount of a rise to the mountain top and devastating fall from grace, Jeff opens our eyes to what could happen to any business leader, tomorrow, and most importantly, how to better prepare.
Through his entertaining story-telling style, Jeff teaches leaders how to build a stronger foundation on the way up, how not to make critical errors when the black swan shows up on a random Tuesday, and how not to make the long list of mistakes he made, as outlined in his books, Just One More: The Wisdom of Bob Vukovich, and soon-to-be-released , When Not If: A CEO’s Guide to Overcoming Adversity.
Subset of Actionable Takeaways:
Learn to operate in an environment where the majority of what you believe is true, is not.
Accept that as a leader, at some point you will have to make a choice whether to stand up for what you believe in at considerable career and personal peril.
Understand that everyone always operates in their own self-interest, and how to use this to your advantage.
You always think you have enough liquidity, until you need it.
Manage your business, and your life, as if every single call, text, and email will eventually be in front of regulators and even a jury.
How to protect your family and your life from the perils of leading a successful organization - unlike I did.
Not only surviving extreme adversity, but thriving because of it!
Through the harrowing account of his personal nuclear meltdown, Jeff teaches us how to not only survive devastation, but to turn the pain of guilt, shame and regret into a powerful positive force which accomplishes comebacks everyone told us were impossible. Through the shocking and emotional storytelling of his rise to a wealthy CEO and public leader only to preside over the complete destruction of his business, reputation, net worth and self-worth, Jeff gives us powerful strategies to win once again. Not only a story of resilience and perseverance, but Jeff’s narrative also helps us understand the daily intellectual and emotional tactics necessary for turning despair back into victory. You will marvel at the impossible success achieved against insurmountable odds – at least everyone told him it was insurmountable!
Subset of Actionable Takeaways:
Understand that responsibility for your success through great adversity is yours, and yours only.
Learn how incremental daily successes – physically, intellectually, and emotionally – can overcome what everyone else told you would be impossible.
Discover how brain compartmentalization enables massive forward progress through times others find unbearable.
Realize what attributes enable certain people to remain positive and overcome existential challenges while others fall victim to self-pity and despair.
Shame, regret, and depression are useless and guarantee defeat – Instead, fix the problem!
How to not let ego, pride, and vanity blur your leadership vision – like I did!